Start background tasks from MVC actions using Autofac

This post is for people who know about ASP.NET MVC and IoC containers.


Your MVC actions should be quick to return a response to the user. Any long running task should be run on a background thread. This reduces the chance of your web server becoming unresponsive.

I'm using Autofac as my IoC container in ASP.NET MVC projects. In addition to an application wide, global container, Autofac provides a "http request scoped" container for each web request. This means we can declare dependencies such as database connections to be "HTTP Request Scoped". Each request gets its own instance. At the end of the request, Autofac knows to dispose of any disposable objects.

This works very well, until you don't have an HTTP request to work within. Which is what happens when running some code on a background thread.

So we need a way to start our background task from a controller action method, but give it a new request-style context. It will not have an actual HTTP context. We'll pass any required information to the task when starting it.

Code time

To allow controller actions to start background tasks, I will pass an instance of the following interface into the controller via the constructor.

public interface IAsyncRunner
    void Run<T>(Action<T> action);

Remember, I'm using Autofac to create my controllers. So the constructor parameters are resolved from the container. An example controller looks like this:

public class HomeController : Controller {
    public HomeController(IAsyncRunner async) {
        this.async = async;
    readonly IAsyncRunner async;

For this example, imagine we want to do heavy image processing in response to a file being uploaded. Our action method will be:

public ActionResult UploadImage(HttpPostedFileBase image) {
    async.Run<ImageResizer>(resizer => resizer.Resize("example.jpg"));
    return RedirectToAction("UploadFinished");

That's a nice short method, but let's analyse the details.

First, we synchronously write the raw image data to disk. Then we call then async runner's Run method. We provide the type of the object to be invoked and a delegate to run. The async runner will start a new background task, create an ImageResizer object and call the given delegate.

In the meantime the action method is free to return a response to the user.

The AsyncRunner

Let's move onto to the actual AsyncRunner implementation. I'm using Autofac, but the code could be adapted for use with any IoC container.

public class AsyncRunner : IAsyncRunner
    public void Run<T>(Action<T> action)
        var app = GetApplicationContainer();
            // Create a nested container which will use the same dependency
            // registrations as set for HTTP request scopes.
            using (var container = app.BeginLifetimeScope(WebLifetime.Request))
                var service = container.Resolve<T>();

    IContainer GetApplicationContainer()
        // Use Autofac's ASP.NET integration to get the application-wide
        // container that exists in the ApplicationInstance.
        // See the Autofac documentation for more about this.
        var accessor = ((IContainerProviderAccessor)HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance);
        return accessor.ContainerProvider.ApplicationContainer;

The AsyncRunner uses Autofac to create an instance of the requested type T. This happens inside a new "lifetime scope". By using Autofac to create the object, that object can also declare dependencies to be provided by the container.

The .NET 4.0 Task Parallel Library is used to start a new task to run within, rather than worry about creating threads manually.

The end result is a clean way to start asynchronous tasks, whilst still being able to use Autofac's excellent features.

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