Caching versioned static files with ASP.NET MVC and IIS7
Correctly caching a website's content will improve the load time of pages. There's no sense in making a web browser download the same stylesheets and images repeatedly. In fact, we want to avoid the web browser even doing tentative "if not modified" requests. These all add up to extra HTTP connection overhead.
This article will show you how to configure IIS7 and use ASP.NET MVC to make sure your static files are always cached correctly.
Using max-age
IIS7 is easy to configure from your web application's Web.config file. Find the <configuration>/<system.webServer> section and add:
<!-- Tell client to cache static files for a year -->
<clientCache cacheControlMode="UseMaxAge"
cacheControlMaxAge="365.00:00:00" />
This tells IIS to add a cache-control header to all static files it serves. The header specifies the "max-age" of a file to be 365 days. So once a web browser has downloaded the file once, it won't request it again for a year.
Versioning URLs
Websites change over time. We'll have a problem if we can't make a web browser download an updated stylesheet, image or (worst of all) javascript file. Therefore it's important to include a version number into the URL of any static file.
When we update our website we can increment the version number to ensure the static files are downloaded again.
For this article, we'll assume all static files are within a directory called "static" in the root of the website.
Let's consider a file saved as "/static/styles/site.css". In our HTML, we'll reference the stylesheet like this:
<link href="/static/" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
Notice the insertion of a version number. Since we're using ASP.NET, I find it convenient to use the application Assembly's version number. This is increased with each build and deployment, so it guarantees we won't ever use stale files.
I'll show automate this URL how to generation later. Let's first see how to make IIS server the actual file from this modified URL.
Add the following XML into your Web.config, in <configuration>/<system.webServer>:
<rule name="StaticFiles" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="static/[\d.]+/(.*)$" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="static/{R:1}" />
<!-- e.g. "static/" -> "static/styles/site.css" -->
This is using the IIS7 Rewrite Module. If you don't already have this already then Install URL Rewrite.
As the comment in the XML explains we're matching static file urls that contain a version number and rewriting to the actual file on disk. The "{R:1}" refers to the text captured by "(.*)" in the match regular expression.
Generating versioned URLs
Manually maintain the version of each URL would be crazy. We can use an HTML helper to generate the correct URLs for us. Add this helper to your MVC web application.
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace StaticDemo.Helpers // Change this namespace to match your web application.
public static class StaticFileHelper
static string assemblyVersion;
static StaticFileHelper()
// This way of getting the assembly version works in medium trust.
assemblyVersion = new AssemblyName(typeof(StaticFileHelper).Assembly.FullName).Version.ToString();
public static string StaticFile(this UrlHelper html, string filename)
var virtualPath = (
? DebugVirtualPath(filename, html.RequestContext.HttpContext.Server)
: ReleaseVirtualPath(filename)
var root = html.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.ApplicationPath;
if (root.Length > 1) // e.g. "/myapp" instead of just "/"
virtualPath = root + virtualPath;
return virtualPath;
static string ReleaseVirtualPath(string filename)
// Insert the assembly version into the path (not the query string).
// This seems to be more reliable when proxies are involved:
return "/static/" + assemblyVersion + "/" + filename;
static string DebugVirtualPath(string filename, HttpServerUtilityBase server)
// Use query string to break caching. This means the file's path
// still matches the development file system.
var absoluteFilename = server.MapPath("~/static/" + filename);
var version = File.GetLastWriteTime(absoluteFilename).Ticks.ToString();
var separator = (filename.Contains("?") ? "&" : "?");
return "/static/" + filename + separator + "nocache=" + version;
This HTML helper creates the static versioned URL for a filename. Notice that it behaves differently when the web application is in debug mode. While we're developing a website we'll be in debug mode. In this case we don't want caching by application version number. Instead the helper appends the last write time of the file.
Always be sure to set <configuration>/<system.web>/<compilation debug="false"> when you deploy your web application!
Now make this helper available to your views. In "Views\Web.config", add your helpers namespace into <configuration>/<system.web.webPages.razor>/<pages>/<namespaces> (for sexy Razor views), or <configuration>/<system.web>/<pages>/<namespaces> (for horrid old ASPX views).
<add namespace="StaticDemo.Helpers"/>
Change the namespace to match your web application.
Now in our Razor view we use the helper:
<link href="@Url.StaticFile("styles/site.css")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
For those using ASPX views:
<link href="<%: Url.StaticFile("styles/site.css") %>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
That's it!
You now have elegantly versioned static files. If you like what you've read follow me on Twitter for regular web development tips, ideas and rants.